Monday, June 27, 2005

Mi religión

Me permito hacer un extracto del libro que estoy leyendo, en sus páginas encontré una revelación, una razón por la cual ahora dudo de ser cristiano. El libro es "Night Visions" de Thomas Fahy. Una obación al autor por sus muy profundas reflexiones.

... For the first time since starting to work for Julie, Samantha notices a small silver cross around her neck. "I didn't know you were religious."She points to the dangling chain.
"Oh, not in the conventional sense. My mother gave this to me. It was a gift for my sixth-grade confirmation." She holds it between her thumng and index finger. "She was so hurt when I stopped going to church in college. I think my lack of faith was one of the biggest disappointments in her life." Julie pauses, her face more somber now. "When she died six months ago, I started wearing it again, sporadically."
"What made you stop going?"
"Lots of things. A rebellious streak, sleeping in, reading the Sunday paper. Mostly, I just couldn't accept the idea that God was petty."
"Yeah. The chuch says that you have to believe in Christ to get into heaven-that God denies everlasting life to those who don't believe. How can that be? Some of the most generous, self-less people I know aren't Christian. They're better Christians than most Christians I know. So how can they be less worthy of God's love? I just feel that love, like faith, shoudn't be conditional. Don't get me wrong-I believe in God. I just can't accept that God would be so petty, so unjust."

Fin de la cuota. Espero que la hayan entendido y la compartan conmigo.


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